From rosy retrospection to digital compression, a history of chickens wearing rose tinted glasses since the 1900s.
Kaspar Ravel [FR]
Being a kid in the 90’s meant you were probably raised by computers. In my case it meant being surrounded with partly-functional machines scraped from the streets, corrupted data from illegal downloads & a sworn promise to never bore myself with any kind of instruction book. As much as I loved going off tracks, throwing myself constantly in unexplored terrains, today there’s a bigger picture to it than there was 10 years ago. Over the years, digital media gradually became more and more present. And when some people just acknowledged it, others built walls, restrained access, willingly deteriorated it, and planted snitches in everything.
In the digital era, the concept of deciding how you want to read write & execute data is free will, thus, the reason glitch art is so important to me. Once you deviate your consumer habits, taking any media, breaking it apart & re-appropriating it by making it into something you find beautiful is one of the best feelings ever. Why? Because these moments are the inspiration to your digital freedom.