Unmasking GLIC

“You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it” – Alan Moore
Come join us in this creative exploration where masks, both literal and metaphorical, serve to lift the veil on one of Glitch’s most overlooked tools in our interactive workshop: ‘Unmasking GLIC’.
Participants will have a chance to jump in and play around with this versatile and powerful tool for image glitching. The workshop will kick off with a quick lecture about some of the basics of GLIC; unveil what it is, what it does, how it does it. We’ll then take a deeper dive into how to get the best out of it to create a wide variety of transformative glitches. And for those interested in getting their hands dirty, attendees will be given the chance to glitch their own images, apply their own mask and undergo a digital metamorphosis.
All the while, tokyo_nomad_ will be sharing some of his own work created with GLIC, talking about the meanings behind the works, and sharing his experiences of navigating through life’s masquerade.
No prior technical/programming experience necessary.
For the workshop section participants will need to have Processing 2, 3 or 4 and the ControlP5 library installed (installable via contribution manager in Processing 3 and 4) and the GLIC image Processing script.
Download Processing here processing.org/releases
For Processing 2 download ControlP5 from here www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlP5/ unzip and place it in the libraries section of your sketchbook to install (on Windows that should be C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\Processing)
GLIC image codec here github.com/GlitchCodec/GLIC (download zip by pressing on green ‘code’ button to right hand side and select ‘Download zip’ unzip it and place that in your sketchbook on Linux/macOS and on Windows 10 in C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\Processing
A glitch artist based in Tokyo. Originally from the UK, he traded the decaying factories and industry of Manchester for the neon lights and wonder of Tokyo. In an age where machines progressively become more human, and humankind deteriorates into an increasingly cold, programmed, solitary routine, tokyo_nomad_ explores the boundary where the biological and artificial meet. He mainly works using photo manipulation techniques; mixing databending, file corruption, processing scripts as well as good old fashioned photo editing.