Making an image codec for artistic purposes
The main goal in databending glitch techniques is to create nasty-beautiful artifacts.But unfortunately controlling this process is not easy and sometimes dissapointing. I’m going to show how to construct such a codec in Processing language. I’ll show building blocks and elements which play crucial work to generate databend artifacts.
Together we’ll play with this code and you’re be able to glitch your own images.
Preparation: any operating system, Processing version 2 (not 3!), images in jpeg or png format.
Artist Bio
All of my interests brought me to the generative first and then to the glitch art. I focus on area which I call ‘generative glitch’ which means: producing glitches by own algorithms. My goal is looking for new techniques and methods for it. So mainly I create tools for other people and help them create unique things.
I’m active member of Facebook groups like: GAC, G//R, GAC:TT, Sonic Art Guild, and few others.