Call for Glitch Art Workshops, Lectures and Performances 2019
/’fu:bar/ is a yearly festival gathering focused on electronic error-themed reinterpretative multimedia art. The week long festival starts on the first Saturday of October and hosts an artist residency program, showcases diverse talks, workshops, performances and an inclusive group exhibition, set up at AKC, Pierottijeva 11, Zagreb (Croatia).
/’fu:bar/ is an open and free glitch art event, aimed at local communities in a physical space, and accessible to transnational communities in networked space, while including diverse local, regional and international authors and their collaborations.
The topic of /’fu:bar/ in 2019 is broadly set around the concepts of EXPOSURE and various notions of digital art VALUE. Do you have an on-topic performance / talk / workshop / hybrid format you’d love to show, discuss or play? Let us know!
The call is open to all and any #glitch_art file hackers, code breakers, web creepers or media explorers, either with an on-topic submission or general glitch-based art-centered performative / educational / discursive work.
Deadline: June 30th New deadline July 7th!
Selection announcement: late July 2019
Conditions we can offer for artists/coders/activists participating in /’fu:bar/ afk:
- Travel costs refunds (train, bus, or low budget flights; partial funding is available for overseas applicants) *or* symbolic fees for Croatian participants not in need of travel refunds.
- Food and a place to sleep (shared accommodation; not a hotel).
- Free entrance to any and all other programs in AKC during your stay.
Inquiries contact: [email protected]
The event is organized by the AKC Attack association in collaboration with the Format C Artist Organization. It’s supported by a number of volunteers, collaborators and participating artists, as well as media partners, the SKART Gallery, the Glitch Artists Collective, and the free weekly newsletter Glitchet. The festival program is financially supported by the National Foundation for Civil Society Development, the “Kultura Nova” Foundation, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the City of Zagreb and various glitch art supporters via crowdfunding.