Rosa Menkman [NL] : Enhance, Boost, Revamp
Advance better boost correct develop enhance help increase lift progress promote raise recover reform revamp revise rise upgrade ameliorate amend augment civilize convalesce cultivate edit elevate emend meliorate mend polish purify rally rectify recuperate refine sharpen skyrocket update come around doctor up gain ground look up make strides perk up pick up set right shape up straighten out take off touch up turn the corner.
Rosa Menkman
Menkman’s work focuses on noise artifacts that result from accidents in both analogue and digital media (such as glitch and encoding and feedback artifacts). The resulting artifacts of these accidents can facilitate an important insight into the otherwise obscure alchemy of standardization via resolutions.
The standardization of resolutions is a process that generally imposes efficiency, order and functionality on our technologies. It does not just involve the creation of protocols and solutions, but also entails the obfuscation of compromises and the black-boxing of alternative possibilities, which are as a result in danger of staying forever unseen or even forgotten.
Through her research, which is both practice based and theoretical, she uncovers these anti-utopic, lost and unseen or simply “too good to be implemented” resolutions — to produce new ways to use and perceive through and with our technologies.