Ian Keaveny aka Crash-Stop: Ethical Dilemmas
These sessions are primarily aimed at Linux and Windows users though should be applicable to Mac users with some caveats. To take part in the workshop you will need to have a basic understanding of installing and usage of software such as FFmpeg, Git bash and Bash Shell and to make things easier Chocolatey package manager on Windows, or experience of using Linux and the command line or the command line and Homebrew on Mac as most of the programs being used will not be available in an app store as my own focus is on software and hardware freedom and creative commons as defined in the libre planet manifesto here: Libre Planet Mission Statement. A guide to software required and installation instructions will be published at: Software and links for upcoming workshops.
The aim of these five workshops is using open source tools and copyleft, creative commons or public domain video to act as an introduction to basic and advanced glitch art techniques and the language and philosophy of error in video art and to end up with finished works that can be exhibited online or in physical space.