/’fu:bar/ 2022 exhibition ARTISTS & WORK

0226 [sic][redacted] | Alan Page [US] : obiter dictum [2022]
0070 A. Michael Sylm & downer cow [US] : Moto [2021]
0065 Artiom Constantinov [IT] : Information Disorder [2022]
0002 Julka Walkowiak / Kurz Muzyczny [PL] : The Curse of the Sound Alarm / Klątwa Budzika [2022]
0219 Notorious P.I.P. [UK] : Techno Auto Ethnographic Immersive Poem Experiment [2022]
0122 Seren aid [UK] : Seren aid [2022]
0043 Bit Errror [ES] : The Glitched Box [2020]
0062 Cryptofangs [MX] : Temple of Masks [2022]
0393 Cyber Shakti [IN] : Skeletons in my head [2021]
0007 Dawnia Darkstone aka Letsglitchit [US] : Liquid Codex [2022]
0050 Eggmadame & Mingkurray [CL & US] : aura.mp4 [2022]
0274 Malcolm Fernandes [IN] : The Cycle [2022]
0135 Marie Arkhipova [RU] : Phantasmagoria [2022]
0011 Mathias Jansson [SE] : Triptyk #1-3 to George Melies [2022]
0306 mklztr & SomaHaus Collective [PL] : Plane of Immanence [2022]
0036 Paul Beaudoin [EE] : forever love [2022]
0110 Ritta [US] : Digital to Glitch [2022]
0068 Tench Cholnoky [US] : Faces [2022]
0103 @jmgagnon_ [CA] : The universality of a breast in the snow [2022]
0210 111v1ab [IT] : Head Sequence #3 [2021]
0104 12515x [Cyberspace] : ok [2022]
0075 Aaron Varshay [US] : Chloe [2022]
0239 Affar Oppip [BR] : Arte de hospício (Asylum art) [2022]
0085 ahmnot [FR] : Circle [2020]
0330 AK Ocol [PH] : Ghost no.1-3 [2022]
0144 Alpha Romeo [MX] : Glitchtober 2021 Pieces [2021]
0363 anzix [HU] : I found this outside [2022]
0058 azmadik [US ] : Uses; daily [2021]
0384 Bernizeck // Glitchachu [BR] : MUSINGS [2022]
0077 Caleb Daly [IE] : Cloigteach [2022]
0314 Caterina Marchionne [IT] : DE-building [2019]
0076 Christo Yordanov [UK] : Floating Mines in The Pink Lake [2022]
0367 circle four [CA] : what i see at night [2021]
0020 Devis Bergantin [IT] : Behind the torn curtains, Sunday afternoon is neverending, The waterfall spirit [2022]
0327 elle thorkveld [US] : fake avatar glitch [2022]
0014 Francesco Seren Rosso [IT] : Statue [2022]
0272 G4C [HU] : Police man enjoyes his colleuge in the city of love, Budapest, 2022. [2022]
0261 Glitchshaman & Glitch4ChaosMagick [HU] : Another Worlds [2021]
0078 Guide Aguilera Castro [DE] : Veil I (from Exercises on How to dissapear) [2022]
0280 Hexe Fey [US] : wldr0se [2020]
0005 hyp0cr173 [RO] : Glitchin and bitchin [2022]
0339 Igor Lukić [RS] : GlitchScapes – Relapse, Vigorous v2, Relapse 2 v2 [2021]
0357 Inseut [BR] : Infection [2022]
0341 Iqra Iqbal [PK] : Digital Dislocation [2022]
0079 Jabal [BR] : Glitch.Bugs [2022]
0255 José Irion Neto [BR] : Alan Turing Glitch Portrait, PGF Glitch Portrait, Bowie Glitch Portrait [2022]
0360 Josip Luković [HR] : Three moments in life, or not ? [2022]
0343 jphm4900 [CO] : ʙʟᴏᴏᴍɪɴɢ//pǝʇsnɐɥxƎ [2022]
0269 jrdsctt [US] : ŧɇȼħ nøɨɍ [2022]
0087 Kim Blevins [US] : Fractured Process 2 [2019]
0196 Kokeshi Milk [IT] : Jellyfish collection [2022]
0093 laboz777 [IT] : Squig dip, Magnet, Sea [2022]
0296 Leisure Wolf [CA] : A Gltich In Our Stars [2022]
0168 Lemarian & PSIHODROM [RO] : Transcendence [2022]
0153 LordofDonkeyhill [HU] : Behind the courtain [2021]
0244 Lucas Froeliger [FR] : Concrete Poetry – Toaleta [2022]
0069 MAMOMA.TIF [FR] : AbstractGlitches [2022]
0319 Marsaille Millward [BR] : The cavaand the sleeve [2022]
0253 Marta Timmer [CA] : Fractured Portraits [2022]
0039 Megan Kennedy [AU] : HEX [2019]
0275 Micah Alhadeff [US] : Blush. [2022]
0293 Mila Gvardiol [RS] : Artist and her artworks [2022]
0169 Nat Pash Design [AU] : Internaut [2022]
0119 naysolange_ [AR] : Vision II [2022]
0063 NHO [IT] : A dramatic death just isn’t fitting for us [2022]
0106 Niklas Washausen [DE] : Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum (Expiration Date) [2022]
0066 Nima Fatemi [IR] : Sublation [2020]
0202 ninjxxitty [US] : Dark Melting Woman [2020]
0088 NOi aka HUNA [TR] : Self-portrait [2021]
0376 noumenal [US] : Reified (UTOPIA) #5 [2022]
0053 Orkun Destici [TR] : u.-mtT179r1 [2016]
0174 palermoalvapore [IT] : Summer Lost Data – Disk 1-3 [2022]
0154 palin0psia [US] : wilt,breaking and entering,barren [2022]
0344 Patrick Lichty [US] : AFK: Cyprus [2021]
0342 Paul Hertz [US] : Campos y temporales [2022]
0189 Robert Hruska [CZ] : DIGITAL MAGIC 2022 [2022]
0184 September Cloudz [BR] : Everything is Fine 😀 [2022]
0146 Strange Quark [TR] : Abject Motive,Abyss of Reason,Remmision of the ID [2022]
0225 szamoca [HU] : digital kintsugi: shed, paused, wrecked [2021]
0113 sπs (spies) [US] : Manic Longing Board.,Hazy Lungfish.,Lux Regalus Maximo. [2018]
0304 the lightest hand. [BR] : Oblique Writing [2022]
0278 tokyo_nomad_ [JP] : Breaking Point [2022]
0234 Tristan Onek [US] : Internet Curated Collage Series [2022]
0198 Will Timlin [US] : Disruption,Painted Soul,Depths of Transcendence [2021]
0165 ZL0 [RU] : DISTORTION [2022]
0136 Λαιν [CR] : Again [2022]
0235 Jonny Scholes [AU] : Symmetrical Invasive Species [2022]
0329 Malte Steiner [DK] : The Big Crash VR [2020]
0273 Micah Alhadeff [US] : Fracture Twenty-Five [2022]
0294 Neosutras & KOLEKTYW [US] : Neosutras Light Sculptures [2022]
0381 Sabato Visconti & J. [US] : South Florida Compendium [2021]
0048 Michael Betancourt [US] : Discursive Transcendence [2021]
0084 Nazila / Platform-101 [IR] : The concept of accident in visual glitch art [2021]
0258 Niklas Washausen [DE] : Moving Disturbances – Artistic Practices on visually based errors of 21st century video art [2022]
0398 [DaVideo_Tape] & Elrond [US] : “A Murmur, A Scent” Music by Elrond [2019-21]
0228 [sic][redacted] | Alan Page [US] : Strategies For Displaying Unknown Variables [2019]
0029 1984.err [US] : 000000 [2021]
0061 A. Michael Sylm [US] : The Tailored Guest Interface [2022]
0017 Aldrn Chrb [US] : Water Clips B [2022]
0325 Allison Tanenhaus [US] : ColoBara [2021]
0326 analog_mannequin & jez moore [US & UK] : Anemoia [2022]
0056 André Oliveira Cebola [BR] : tropical.glitch [2022]
0178 Andre Perim [BR] : MOFO/MOLD [2022]
0397 Andrew Edgar [IE] : Quasirandom Garagepunk Glitchscroller 2.0 [2022]
0270 Anna Christine Sands [US] : Tread So Lightly [2022]
0172 Anthropie Collective [CH] : extinction [2022]
0345 Anya Asano [US] : Nodal Extraction, Incremental Tixel, Resel Stack [2022]
0213 Arash Masoom [IR] : Epilepsy [2021]
0203 Arezou Ramezani [UK] : Transmute [2022]
0097 Aria [US] : digital_blister [2022]
0064 Artiom Constantinov [IT] : The Cost Of Lies [2020]
0240 Augurs [BR] : Seascapes & Shores [2022]
0121 Augusto Calçada [BR] : Metaverso [2022]
0027 Authors: 2Hz Resonance / Soundtrack: Squarepusher, Akin Sevgor [HK] : Transcend [2022]
0298 Benna v [Stateless] : d-rain the blur [2022]
0098 Bob Georgeson [AU] : The Colour of Dreams [2022]
0358 Bojana Vojvodic b00 [HR] : 50%.mp4 [2022]
0132 brent0nlim [US] : multiple_indices [2020]
0310 Brittonius, Jonathan Smith, Kane Barr [US] : 615 TRI FORCE GLITCH [2020]
0152 BurningRabbitProductions [TZ] : The siren [2021]
0323 Caeso. [NL] : Phonetic Karaoke – YstrandiLovi [2022]
0212 Can Tan [TR] : BadTv [2022]
0350 Charlotte Gruber [BE] : hex thy sexy pics [2022]
0288 Chernobyl Apple [AR] : Wicked Datamosh [2022]
0259 Choreography, concept: Irina Angles; Video Artist: Alessio Dispenza (backinasec); Cinematographer: Kolomiiets Anton; Sound artist: FAAF [UA] : “Lost & Found” the “Inner palette” series [2022]
0023 cinema.av [US] : 36 Minutes With A Circuit-Bent Panasonic WJ-AVE5 Glitch Video Synthesizer [2021]
0016 Claude Heiland-Allen [UK] : Flaking Out [2022]
0356 crash-stop [IE] : Toyland [2022]
0218 Death Orgone [CA] : Acceleration Trilogy [2019]
0245 Deb [IN & CA] : Neural Terrain [2021]
0392 Denis Miksic [HR] : Swingdrum [2022]
0389 Denis Miksic / miksitz (video, editing, FX); Ian Keaveny / Crash Stop (sound, audio remix) [HR] : Marathon2022 [2022]
0186 Denver Nuckolls [US] : palimpsest [1] [2022]
0396 Dream Video Division [US] : Wizard of Ozzz [2022]
0373 Eddie Lohmeyer [US] : Visions of Mona [2022]
0312 Ehsan masoudian ( musician ) [IR] : Distressed reflection [2021]
0230 ellis laurens [FR] : Conversation with a Metaself [2022]
0263 emptyflash [US] : Genesis [2022]
0055 Eric Souther [US] : Frequencies of Deep Time [2022]
0388 EXƎ [CL] : Iteration of a Glitch Universe [2022]
0375 fabrega [CL] : el_futuro [2022]
0096 Federico Duret [ES] : Scrambled [2022]
0353 file type not found w/ site not found [IE] : Taking a Fish for a Walk [2019]
0166 flvz_ | Lilian Nakahodo [BR] : Multiple Faces of the Void [2022]
0209 galaxyboi [ID] : City In the Recolour and Jagged Lines City Transmission [2022]
0246 Hecate777 [HR] : Imminent Sense of Impending Why [2022]
0303 HerosPraeteriti [US] : Person of Interest [2022]
0256 Ian Grant [US] : “nautical slut” (2022) [2022]
0181 ilithya [DE] : Trippy Series – Alter Soil, Goddess, Hike [2022]
0028 INADRM [US] : INADRM – “100 Million” [2022]
0372 isorhythmics [US] : Five against four [2022]
0251 Jaime Munguia [MX] : CABARXXX [2018]
0386 Janella Mele [US ] : When i___ [2020]
0315 Janella Mele / Denver Nuckolls [US] : B + W Dino [2022]
0118 Jani Lamminmäki [FI] : Pink Cluster [2022]
0089 Jason Fung (granularadventures) [CA] : The Strong Unstaggering Breeze [2022]
0040 JB Friquet [BE] : At the mountain of madness [2022]
0162 Jerry Galle [BE] : Power&Bytes [2022]
0133 Johann Philippe / HYDRΛ░SUPΞRCLUSTΞR [FR] : Ultime Orgie [2019]
0214 John Bumstead [US] : BSOTD099 (Broken Screen of the Day #99) [2022]
0232 Jonny Scholes [AU] : Terraforming Surfaces [TS-002][E-1] [2022]
0324 Jorge Hoyos [ES] : Triángulo de fuego [2022]
0271 Joshua Albers [US] : Transfer [2021]
0092 Katti [IN] : Prabhu [2020]
0101 KAWAI+OKAMURA [JP] : Mood Hall [2019]
0216 Kay [IN] : Static [2020]
0207 Kittiphan Janbuala [TH] : Cut-up the Fish [2022]
0191 Kubra Gurlesen [TR] : Poetics [2016]
0051 kyle zetts [US] : avant garden [2022]
0034 Laura Fong Prosper [DE] : Where he was born [2020]
0285 Laura Ibañez [ES] : S/T1 [2022]
0159 Lavoslava Benčić [SI] : Pleurocarpous [2022]
0179 Lee Ingleton [GR] : Pick Up [2022]
0072 Lisa Cianci (Blackaeonium) [AU] : Frock up [2021]
0054 luckyihadmyphoneonme [UK] : halloumigimpN⁰23654f2b.6XxT56hb2o.v2 [2022]
0035 magiklantern [KZ] : :\eclipsed [2016]
0233 Mark Klink / srcXor [US] : Body 0085 [2022]
0025 Matteo Campulla [IT] : BE HERE NOW – the glitch of being in the society of continuous present [2021]
0328 Maxim Samsonov [RU] : IVATU – Heat & Hatchet [2020]
0049 Michael Betancourt [US] : Seeing/Counting [2022]
0217 Milagro De Catamarca & AVR010 [AR] : done when we got back [2020]
0237 Mina [TR] : Time, Space and Representation [2022]
0024 Mohammad Abdollahzade @ Famori Studio [IR] : Anarchy [2021]
0299 Mohammad Ali Famori [IR] : Dance With Frequency [2021]
0238 MotherWoolf [IE] : Binary Transgression [2020]
0082 Nazila / Platform-101 [IR] : The Thirteen Dream [2021]
0305 neometa [UK] : ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɴɢᴇᴅ ᴅᴇʀᴀɴɢᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ Sᴇɴsᴇs [2022]
0348 nihilo.exe [CO] : One Lonely Night: Delusions and Sins [2022]
0320 Nina Sumarac [CY] : E:SCOPE [2019]
0222 none [CA] : Anniversaires (Birthdays) [2021]
0001 Or Williams [UK] : U̐̐̐n͚͚i͓̊̊̊̊̊̊̊q̥̥̥̥̥u̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫̫ͧͧͧë́͌ [2021]
0231 paranthre, velvet_bites_ [SK] : Lucid daydreaming / xlix schopter and heal yourself [2022]
0046 Pather and Deeley [UK] : You Kind of Remind me of the Warmth of a Seat That’s Just Been Left. [2022]
0107 Paul Echeverria [US] : Mobile Devices [2017]
0030 Paul Shepherd, Peggy Ho, Paul Börchers [HK] : Gravity [2022]
0143 psynodent [IN] : Rage against the screen [2020]
0243 Rachel Rector and Natty Gray [US] : Living with Disappointment [2021]
0117 RAMNSVRIF [ID] : Walking From Hell [2022]
0283 Rastefano [UA] : Ancient [2020]
0292 reza famori [IR] : Sublimation [2021]
0080 Rian bunch [US] : Islands [2021]
0190 Robert B. Lisek [CZ] : FIELDS [2022]
0128 Robin Dupuis / perte de signal [CA] : DYSESTHESIA [2021]
0284 Robin Moedder [DE] : COLOUR VIEW (2021) [2021]
0351 Roopesh SItharan [MY] : Khatulistiwa [2022]
0313 Rudolf Lingens (writer + director), Sabato Visconti (glitch), Allison Tanenhaus (animation), King Green and Andrei Busuioceanu (score) [US] : The Animal That Therefore I Am [2021]
0385 Sabato Visconti [US] : Ecco the Dolphin: Hauntologies [2021]
0383 Sabato Visconti and Sky Goodman [US] : The Synthesis Academy [2022]
0287 SAOU TV & Loom and Thread [DE] : LOOM & THREAD – Island Grammar [2022]
0003 Semiosphera [IT] : Shrine v2.4.5 [2017]
0378 Shawn Chiki aka 2.0_Organics [CA] : Glitch Landscapes – Alien Farmland,Urban Density,Crystalline Ridges [2022]
0377 Sky Goodman, ex_mortal, tn̗˙n̖k’z, Dawnia Darkstone aka Letsglitchit [US & BR] : Look At Some Art [2022]
0369 Sohaila Mosbeh (ExToxic) & Oliver Morcos (KozMor) [EG & US ] : تقِــيــــــــل – Ya Taqiil [2022]
0009 Stella Particula [FR] : Gaze – eternity – [2022]
0131 Stephanie Castonguayperte de signal [CA] : APOPHENIA [2021]
0236 Studio Radiaal – Jeroen Cluckers, A. De Causmaecker, Jasmijn Lootens [BE] : Vantage Point [2021]
0382 Suture Blue [US] : outside in. [2021]
0124 Swaeny Nina Kersaan [NL / UK] : Face_without_a_body_2 [2020]
0112 Sylvester Kivelä [FI] : through #FF69CD glasses [2021]
0157 Tavisha [IN] : Heart Break? [2022]
0361 tojeira.visuals [PT] : Analog Faces in a Digital Past [2022]
0359 toutramada [PT] : niilismo digital (digital nihilism) [2022]
0318 Trae Melton [US] : Lost in Space 1 [2022]
0317 Trae Melton & Yoana Pavlova [US / FR] : I [2022]
0139 Udi Cassirer [IL] : The Glitch [2022]
0140 Video shot and edited by DownsFilms – Music by Devin Rondeau [US] : Every Future Glitch Never Happened [2022]
0164 woketheworld [CZ] : Disorganized Chaos Project [2022]
0194 Wrik Mead [CA] : How To Clean Your Closet [2020]
0163 ye1en & amio [HR] : Find Your Gold [2022]
0134 Zsolt Gyenes [HU] : Perforated Dream [2022]
0185 DebStep [US] : Trails [2020]
0215 Ilay Skutelsky [IL / PS] : Home [2021]
0167 Kim Asendorf [DE] : monogrid [2021]
0368 KOLEKTYW [PL] : #0003 Electric Sheep / Holographic Dreams [2022]