Ascii Art and Tape Loops
This workshop will be a 2 parts workshop for a total of two to three hours long. The second part of the workshop can be pursued a bit longer if participants want to create more content.
1st Part : Tape Loops
Each participants will build up a tape loop cassette following different tape loop length schematic provided during the introduction. Each cassette tape loop will be tested and arranged with the help of the workshop host.
2nd Part : Ascii Art audiovisual design
The second part of the workshop will be about designing a Cassette cover with ASCII-art/Textmode-art drawing tools made by Adel Faure [OSCII](https://adelfaure.net/tools/liblab) Exploring the generative text-mode-art drawing possibilities and trying to hijack the tools for glitch patterns and audio creations. Every Cassette creation made by the participants will be used as sound material for the Ralt144MI Performance. And each participant will keep their cassette loop as a sound and physical souvenir.
This workshop is open to everyone from 16 y.o. to +∞ y.o.
Each participant should come with their personal computer or access to one with a web browser.
Please pre-register to participate:
Ralt144MI [FR]
Rémi Georges is a computer music designer, musician and audiovisual artist based in Lyon.
Combining old and new technologies in his personal projects, he creates customized tools, installations and compositions, with particular interest in the image-sound relationship, using open-source tools and following the artistic scenes of GlitchArt, AsciiArt, Algorave and Demoscene.
He is an active member of the Cookie Collectif [cookie.paris] , TOPLAP [toplap.org], and french DIY music scene; organizing events, and releasing prints and cassettes under his label Ordinateur Dans La Tête. [ordinateurdanslatete.bandcamp.com]
He performs under the name Ralt144MI, a project centered on the practice of live-coding. Evolving mainly as a solo project, between technoid music and electro-acoustic works where visuals are always as important as sounds. Focusing on some form of technological archiving by using live-coding to control old or obsolete gears and technologies.

Radionica će se sastojati od 2 dijela i ukupno će trajati dva do tri sata. Drugi dio radionice može trajati maalo duže ako polaznici žele napraviti više sadržaja.
1. dio: Trake za audiokazetu
Svaki će polaznik sastaviti kazetu s trakom u petlji slijedeći različite sheme dane tijekom uvoda. Svaka petlja će biti testirana i sastavljena uz pomoć voditelja radionice.
2. dio: Audiovizualni dizajn uz Ascii umjetnost
Drugi dio radionice bavit će se dizajniranjem omota kazete uz pomoć ASCII-umjetnost/Textmode-umjetnost alata za crtanje koje je izradio Adel Faure [OSCII](https://adelfaure.net/tools/liblab). Istraživanje generativnog tekstualnog umjetničkog crtanja i pokušaj hakiranja alata za glitch uzorke i audio kreacije. Kazete koje polaznici naprave koristit će se kao zvučni materijal za performans voditelja radionice, a polaznici će moći zadržati svoju kazetu kao zvučni i fizički suvenir.
Ova radionica je otvorena za sve od 16 do +∞ godina.
Polaznici trebaju imati svoje osobno računalo i pristup web pregledniku.
Molimo za sudjelovanje se prijavite putem poveznice:
Ralt144MI [FR]
Rémi Georges je dizajner računalne glazbe, glazbenik i audiovizualni umjetnik sa sjedištem u Lyonu.
Kombinirajući stare i nove tehnologije u svojim osobnim projektima, stvara prilagođene alate, instalacije i kompozicije, s posebnim interesom za odnos slike i zvuka, koristeći alate otvorenog koda i prateći umjetničke scene GlitchArta, AsciiArta, Algoravea i Demoscene.
Aktivan je član Cookie Collectif [cookie.paris] , TOPLAP [toplap.org] i francuske DIY glazbene scene; organizira događanja te izdaje grafike i kazete pod svojom etiketom Ordinateur Dans La Tête. [ordinateurdanslatete.bandcamp.com]
Nastupa pod imenom Ralt144MI, projekt usredotočen na praksu kodiranja uživo. Razvija se uglavnom kao solo projekt, između tehnoidne glazbe i elektroakustičkih djela gdje su vizualni elementi uvijek jednako važni kao i zvukovi. Fokusira se na neki oblik tehnološkog arhiviranja korištenjem kodiranja uživo za kontrolu stare ili zastarjele opreme i tehnologija.