We welcome you to our last 2024 session of free offline & online DIWO (Do It With Others) Glitch Art workshops aiming to discover, document and distribute digital media errors.
Our special session is a mélange of glitchLAB, #fubar_expo at the tenth Fubar GLitch Art Festival and the Pittsburgh/US-based Glitch’n’Games event talk.
There is a long, intertwining history of players, designers, and artists engaging and communicating with video game glitches yet, the significance of their entwinement is not often discussed or brought to attention.
Glitch’N’Games is an exhibition that seeks to spotlight and speak to the connection that Glitch Art and Video Games have with one another, and particularly why the element of play is so important.
glitchLAB special [US/IE/HR/🌐]
Glitch’n’Games is curated and produced by:
suture.blue / Bee Nix / https://www.suture.blue
RDKLINC / John Bumstead / https://www.rdklinc.com
royb0t / Nick Liberatore / https://linktr.ee/royb0t
Glitchlab is a series of free offline & online DIWO Glitch Art sessions.

Želimo vam dobrodošlicu na našu posljednju 2024. sesiju besplatnih offline i online DIWO (Do It With Others) Glitch Art radionica s ciljem otkrivanja, dokumentiranja i distribucije digitalnih medijskih pogrešaka.
Naša posebna sesija spoj je glitchLAB radionice, desete jubilarne #fubar_expo izložbe Fubar GLitch Art Festival ali i predstavljanja događaja Glitch’n’Games u Pittsburghu/SAD.
Postoji duga, isprepletena povijest igrača, dizajnera i umjetnika_ca koji_e su se bavili i komunicirali greškama u video igrama, ali se o važnosti njihove isprepletenosti ne raspravlja često niti se često ističe.
Glitch’N’Games je izložba koja se fokusira na međusobnu povezanost glitch umjetnosti i videoigara te posebice na važnost elementa igre.
glitchLAB special [US/IE/HR/🌐]
Glitch’n’Games kuriraju i produciraju:
suture.blue / Bee Nix / https://www.suture.blue
RDKLINC / John Bumstead / https://www.rdklinc.com
royb0t / Nick Liberatore / https://linktr.ee/royb0t
Glitchlab je serijal otvorenih offline x online DIWO glitch art radionica.