
..o and Connor Oman brings in a new piece “HyperFuture”.
HyperFuture is the paradoxical pursuit of a future so advanced it reverts to primal. It doesn’t necessarily mean improvement but it could also be going back to our animalistic roots.
In an age dominated by the momentary, where data is constantly created, consumed, and discarded; ..o and Connor takes you through this invert journey of stepping into a existence where you first experience the Discard then the Consuming and finally, the Creation.
This inversion of the traditional linear progression of time, where the future precedes the present, is a core characteristic of the piece.
..o ft. Connor Oman [DE]
..o (pronounced as “Thought Bubble”) is the project of Berlin based Bangalorean sound artists, Ashley Maurice and Hari Krishna. The power ambient duo revolves around improvisation and probing the peripheries of sound. The duo consists of a guitar and a human FX pedal. ..o’s music frequently centers around the theme of harsh minimalism, where a clean sound transforms into a whole wall of sonic density.
..o collaborates with Connor Oman, known artistically as Oman Sounds, who is a multimedia and interdisciplinary artist focusing on the intersection between science, technology and experimental design. With a foundation in advanced sound design techniques and visual experimentation, he combines these elements to articulate various themes within his work.

..o i Connor Oman donose novi komad “HyperFuture”.
HyperFuture je paradoksalna potraga za budućnošću koja je toliko napredna da se vraća u primordijalnu. To ne mora nužno značiti poboljšanje, ali bi također moglo značiti povratak našim životinjskim korijenima.
U doba kojim dominira momentalno, gdje se podaci neprestano stvaraju, konzumiraju i odbacuju, ..o i Connor vode vas kroz obrnuto putovanje ulaska u postojanje u kojem prvo doživljavate Odbacivanje, zatim Konzumaciju i na kraju Stvaranje.
Ova inverzija tradicionalnog linearnog tijeka vremena, gdje budućnost prethodi sadašnjosti, ključna je karakteristika djela.
..o ft. Connor Oman [DE]
“..o (izgovara se kao “Thought Bubble”) je projekt bangalorejskih umjetnika zvuka iz Berlina, Ashley Maurice i Hari Krishna. Ovaj power ambijentalni duo fokusira se na improvizacije i ispitivanje periferija zvuka. Dvojac se sastoji od gitare i ljudske FX pedale te se često fokusira na teme oštrog minimalizma, gdje se čisti zvuk pretvara u gusti zvučni zid.
..o surađuje s Connorom Omanom (poznatim pod umjetničkim pseudonimom Oman Sounds), multimedijskim i interdisciplinarnim umjetnikom s praksom na razmeđi znanosti, tehnologije i eksperimentalnog dizajna. Kombinirajući elemente naprednih tehnika dizajna zvuka s vizualnim eksperimentima, on artikulira različite teme unutar svoga rada.